Ok, so I’m currently ripping all of my CD’s to .ogg which iTunes now supports! [so Amber, you should try this]. If you wanna try out .ogg (and why shouldn’t you?) and you aren’t using iTunes, you can get the Winamp2 plugin [113k] to play .ogg files, or get Winamp3 (which I most certainly do not recommend – its hella buggy in my experience) and I’ll send you some ogg files. Wanna make your own ogg files? If you’re on windows and you’ve got a cd ripper already, its hella easy. Download the OggDrop [158k] program. Unzip it, then run it. You’ll see a little fish in a small box. All you gotta do is drag some .wav files to it, and it’ll convert them to a .ogg in the same directory. Note: this does not work for mp3’s. Converting from mp3 -> .ogg will not always result in a quality recording. There are ways of doing this, however. Ask and ye shall receive.
Speaking of Apple. I got my free copy of Jaguar from my Uncle Rodney today! But left it at the party, and someone else (likely mom) took it home. So I’ll have to get it later.
Speaking of Lance’s b-day party, it was slightly a bummer in some ways. Lance’s friends sorta almost ditched him at the last minute – not cool. He also didn’t get a whole lot in the way of presents. Not to sound materialistic or anything, but when you’re turning 14, and like 30 of your family members show up, and you only end up with a Carebear to exchange, a DVD, and $10, it could be disappointing. Especially when you’re moving out of town. I dunno. I can’t recall my 14th (it was damn near 7 years ago!?) bday party… I think it was at dad’s house? Maybe not.
Oh well, he seemed to like my DVD (I got him Weird Al’s UHF), and warmed up to the idea of the Carebear once Mollie explained that it was meant as a gag gift for him to exchange.
The party itself was good though. Cake and burgers and hot dogs and games. Me and Mollie played tennis a couple times. I’m definitly not as good as I used to be. Pretty sad. Ah well.
Well, I think I’m gonna call it a night for tonight… so I’ll end it on this note – Mollie’s ass is b0rken.