V-day came and went. Clare requested an extension on her end of it (something she’s making?), citing extenuating circumstances (broken down car, her dad in town bringing a replacement for said car, flu, etc). That works out ok for me, too, as I’ve got a day planned for us, but it requires a little leg work that I wasn’t quite prepared to undertake in my plague-racked state. With that and the recent passing of my birthday, we’re all done with our Winter Rush. Christmas, New Years/Anniversary, her birthday, Valentines day and my birthday… it can all be quite exhausting. I think maybe when we get married it should be in August.
In other news, we’re mostly on track to be moving back down to San Diego in early summer. It’s weird – it’s actually a little scary to be moving back in some ways. Looking for a job is something I haven’t had to do in a while, and it’s something that will need to happen as soon as I get there. And in a rough economy at that. We’ll also have to find an apartment right away. I’d like to be able to move the cats down the 5 and directly into their next home. It’s all really complicated and it all kind of has to happen at once. Ideally It would be best if we had an apartment and jobs lined up so we could move right in… but that would involve taking time off of work and spending it down in San Diego before we move. Time off of work is money we could be making and saving for the rainy-day fund we’ll obviously need.
I think we’re both also a little worried about fitting in. We’ve both been up here a few years now (Clare almost 6?). Attitudes are different up here. People (at least in Berkeley) are more open-minded about a lot of things (certainly not everyone or about everything though). And it’s relatively easy to try new things. Cultures are so much more easily accessible. The first year I was up here, we went to San Francisco and took part in the Day of the Dead festival. Last summer we went to an Iranian Pro-Democracy protest rally. I’ve taken a few yoga classes and no one really bats an eye. It is strange the things that people can be uptight about here, though. It seems like more people are less accepting of say two people being in a long term relationship in their 20’s than you would see in San Diego. Of course San Diego can be uptight (and/or ignorant) about different things. It will be interesting to see how much it’s changed in the past few years.
I suppose I should probably go ahead and end this. I have an A+ cert test to prepare for. Which basically means I need to learn about hardware 20 years old like dot matrix printers and try to memorize tables of CPU pinouts from before the dot-com bubble burst.
Man I love seeing entries again lol
I know I have to be here for another year or so, it’d be nice to have a few more familiar faces in the area. 🙂
Only another year? I was hoping you’d become addicted to San Diego :o/
Don’t get me wrong, San Diego is lovely… if I find a job or if I lose my sanity and decide to aim for a PhD, then i’ll stay. 🙂 But I can’t have my parents paying for my La Jolla rent forever… I’d need to live somewhere cheaper.